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Workout Plan #1
These workouts below will aid you in achieving your fitness goals. If you have any trouble understanding a workout just click the name and it will demonstrate how to do it.
Check bottom of page for more info on exercises.
Workout Plan 1: Welcome
Workout Plan 1: Text
Leg Cycle
We Don't Quit
Workout Plan 1: Text
Workout Plan 1: Welcome
Workout Plan 1: Welcome
Push Cycle
Exceeding Expectations
Workout Plan 1: Text
Light Day
Workout Plan 1: About
Workout Plan 1: About
Pull Cycle
Workout Plan 1: Text
Workout Plan 1: About
Workout Plan 1: About
More Info
Supersets: Exercises are to be performed immediately after one another
Take a short 30-60 second rest brake in between sets
4x12: the first number is the amount of sets, second number is the amount of reps
Dropset: do as many reps as it takes for you to fail
Make sure to do every exercise with precision and TAKE YOUR TIME!!!
Workout Plan 1: About
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